Monday, 19 December 2011

The Path Less Chosen- Listen to yourself and embrace change

I really understand why people do whats expected of them rather than what is needed for them to grow and change.   Change is in fact one of the things we resist the most. Attempting massive change is like plunging into a sea of complete unknown, mixed with a lot of darkness and personal demons that may shock even you.    Great change often takes rattling everything you know about your safe and secure existence of " things the same".  Not only will it make you feel extremely uncomfortable at times, it will also make many people around you uncomfortable. Your vulnerability and raw exposure may send them running.  Let them go. This is all a part of change.  The saying you can only change yourself is two fold. True that you cannot change others and also true that when you change many people will not endure the change or the transition with you. This could be for various reasons.   Could be their own resistance to change or just an discomfort with your state in transition.  Transition and change can be less than pretty- again hardly a wonder  why people avoid it like a plague.  It is also not a switch.  You don't wake up one day and say today I am going to change things and poof your changed for the better.  You plant the seed of intention and than you nurture the change through risks and self reflection. Its a process in which most people go back and forth repeatedly from the comfort zone to the boundaries of change.   There is great freedom that comes along with listening to the voice inside your head that we often want to silence because of our fear of change. The voice that encourages us to avoid complacency, live life with courage, face the things we are afraid to face and spread our wings is there for a reason. Its there to free your spirit from self imposed limitations and inspire you to learn, love ,grow and live life to the fullest . When you deny that voice you deny who you truly are. My close friend recently asked me to remind her by asking her when I remember " have you been true to yourself today? "  We would all be served to ask that question daily. Think I might just write it on the bathroom mirror..

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